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Love: the poetic essay

Love is an untamed force; powerful yet vulnerable to pain and disillusion. It is about deep connection rather than fiery passion, entwining lives so they cannot part. A lover’s promise is to cherish their partner through inevitable decay and beyond. Love hurts and risks heartbreak, yet avoiding it leads to a bleak, unfeeling existence. Love’s essence lies in its raw unpredictability and absolute sincerity.


Age Of Flames

Sandeep Vhandari’s poem, “Age Of Flames,” depicts a transformative epoch marked by intense change. It urges a thawing of the heart and an embrace of rebellious light, implying an inner awakening leading to peace and love. With striking imagery of nature’s upheaval, it alludes to the collapse of old ways and the urgency of change, warning against passivity lest we fall to chaos, suggesting an impending new era that will reshape life.


Mt Everest (A Poem)

Beholding the early sunrise,

Where the wandering winds screak

Up the Himalayas peaks.

Where mt Everest lie

With the snowy smiling face,


God’s Gifts

In Sandeep Handari’s poem, natural elements like rocks, hills, and snowflakes are celebrated as creations of God. These wonders, along with stars, the moon, and the sun, are depicted as divine gifts that bring life to creatures and landscapes, showcasing God’s nurturing touch on the world.


My Life’s A Garden…

Sandeep Vhandari’s poem “My Life’s A Garden” lyrically describes a vibrant garden representing the poet’s life, filled with red roses, thorny shoots, cherry fruits, and blooming flowers like lilies and morning glories. The natural elements, along with bees and moths, form an artful tapestry that both invigorates and overwhelms, symbolizing a rich, yet fleeting, existence.


Rising of the spring

Sandeep Vhandari paints a vivid image of nature’s awakening where sunlight revives dark woods and brings life to greenery. Chirping birds disrupt the silence, while radiant flowers and reflective puddles enhance the scenery. The onset of spring is celebrated with blooming flora and the harmonious hum of butterflies.


The fall of spring

Today, the early sunrise brought the fall
Of spring again by smearing’ aura of lust
With fallen leaves, aground, below the tall
Brown Trees, which hung the tiny little buds.
And buds, to bloom from bushy, leafy trees


The Woman I Saw

Sandeep Vhandari’s poem, “The Woman I Saw,” is a heartfelt ode to an enchantingly beautiful woman whose presence captivates and moves the author deeply. The woman’s face is described as mesmerizingly exquisite, with the ability to fragment the author’s heart with just a whispering wind. Her beauty is unrivaled, even in the dark of the night and amidst a thunderstorm, overpowering the rain. The author likens her snow-white hair to Rapunzel’s, suggesting both beauty and a sense of the fantastical. Her big, enticing eyes are compared to the glow of the moon, and her polished, red lips and rosy cheeks add to her allure. Beyond her physical attractiveness, her amiable nature makes her incomparable even to angels. The author suggests that even God, in all his artistic prowess, might be envious of this creation. In summary, “The Woman I Saw” is a deeply passionate and admiring tribute to a woman of unmatched beauty and delightful character.

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