A Cold Night Of November

“One day, well it was 6 years ago today, while I was peering upon the cool magical sky, a magical incident happened, this is what I will be telling you. So give me your attention and listen to me very carefully.\”, John said in a very low voice and then he pointed his index finger at the center of his mouth, \” shhhh!\”.

\”It was a cold and lonely night (evening) in November. As usual, I was quite tired and frustrated after the busy days work pressure. It was almost 8 pm.\”

\”I stepped outside the front door of my house with a can of beer and meat. It was a bit chilly outside and the cold winds were blowing steadily. It was really a dashing cool November night. I came towards the front yard and dropped the mat that I had already brought. Then, I went towards the store room and came back with some wood logs and a kerosene jar. I piled up the woods like the arrangements of camp fire, lit it up and placed the mat aside lying on it with a beer on one hand.\”.

John took a couple of seconds of silence. Taking a long breath, he asked me to listen to his voice peacefully as like as he was gonna sing.

\”Are you going to sing now? What about the sto…. \”

But as I was going to utter the next word, John responded immediately.

\”No It\’s not a song actually but a poem. The poetry verses will now hold the rest of the story. And do not miss the final stanza.\”

John went on.

Amid of starry sky, a night of cold November-
Afar, above the running clouds, I still remember
That night- ‘twas many years before, the time while things were mild;
‘twas many long decembers ago, that magical sky up high.
That hit while I was peering lone upon the magical sky
Where cozy clouds were scattered far, where winds there wandered by.

Between the gleaming stars, a shooting star had I assumed
At first, When I beheld a blazing ball of fire had bloomed
That night, over the running clouds – I still remember,
Afar, amid the stars, a night of cold November.
In haste, with strength, I then tried to mark it,
Up high, among the clustered clouds, when masses of light had met.

There I inspected a winged seraph- lost beneath the stars.
Was I then startled, shocked in shock, watching straight afar.
Ahead the starry sky, a night of cold November,
Where I discerned an angel rose- I still remember-
Between the clouds- ‘twas happened gloss’ the gloomy night.
And down the winning clouds, she came towards my sight.

The unborn fear then born inside my fearless soul-
When I discried her falling down the sooty knoll,
Where I was standing lone beholding starry sky,
Where frozen winds there blew beneath the clouds up high.
Was I then freezed on night of cold November,
An angel I had seen- I still remember.

She fell aground there, slowly burning snowy ruts.
The whisking winds then swapped away all nearby dirts.
How torn her dress was, riven wings and somber face.
Her eyes were closed and lights then vanished into space.
A magical stick there on her hand was broken rod-
‘twas nearly crushed and on the other hand has a bleeding sword.

The clouds then mumbled calling thunder light and rain-
The raindrops dropped above her eyes and moaned in pain.
Then, hastily, I approached and calmly carried her alone.
And slowly I advanced and headed towards my home.
That starry, rainy night of cold November,
That frozen girl was you- I still remember.

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